In patients with Behçet's syndrome (BS), despite good visual acuity, macular damage can be
detected using optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography (OCTA), particularly in the nasal sector and
deep capillary plexus. Our previous research with OCT, OCTA, and microperimetry (MP) uncovered significant
biomarkers for ocular involvement in BS. This current study aims to analyze macular structure-function
correlations, differences between sex and age, and changes during a 12-month follow-up, in patients with BS-
associated vasculitis.
We studied 23 eyes (14 patients) with retinal vasculitis (aged 40.6±11.7 years), without activity ≥3
months. They were monitored every 4 months for a year. We analyzed the thickness of the retina, nerve fibers,
and ganglion cells on OCT; foveal avascular zone (FAZ) area, vascular density (VD), and qualitative changes
(perifoveal arcade disruption, non-perfusion areas, and microvascular abnormalities) on OCTA; and macular
sensitivity on MP. Statistical analysis used generalized estimation equations and Pearson correlation. This
study had Ethics Committee approval.
Superficial vascular plexus VD in the superior sector on OCTA correlated positively with central
macular sensitivity (r=0.722; p<0.001). VD was inversely correlated with FAZ area and directly with retinal
thickness (Fig. 1). Men <45 years, along with qualitative findings in intermediate and deep capillary plexuses
on OCTA (Fig. 2), showed critical quantitative changes in OCT and OCTA. Outer plexiform layer elevations and
qualitative OCTA changes showed sensitivity reduction on MP in 30.4% of eyes. No biomarkers changed over a 12-month follow-up.
In BS-associated vasculitis, our data suggest that: quantitative and qualitative findings on OCTA
may indirectly indicate the macular function in microperimetry; male sex, age <45 years, and qualitative
findings are associated with more prominent structural alteration on OCT and OCTA; OCTA and MP changes
may not be expected in patients with no angiographic activity.
Uveites / AIDS
Oftalmologia Clínica
Hospital das Clinicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil
BRUNO FORTALEZA DE AQUINO FERREIRA, Alex Haruo Higashi, Leandro Lara do Prado, Célio Roberto Gonçalves, Carlos Eduardo Hirata, Joyce Hisae Yamamoto
Número de protocolo de comunicação à Anvisa: 2024023032
Responsável Técnica Médica: Wilma Lelis Barboza | CRM 69998-SP